Mountain Biking Christchurch and Beyond

New Zealand

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These track ratings have been obtained through a survey among the newsletter subscribers, and are an average score of those who participated.

Fitness (1 = Couch potato would manage, 5 = would make Kashi Leuch puff')

Technical Difficulty (1 = Take your nanna, 5 = check your life insurance policy')

Fun Factor (1 = Rather watch Praise Be, 5 = too exciting for words')

On your Bike is a web site designed to be a reference for Mountain Bikers who need track information with clear, simple maps, photographs and descriptions.

All the tracks that appear on this web site have been ridden and photographed by the authors. We are enthusiast riders of average fitness and bike skills who enjoy the outdoors and the physical challenges that mountain biking offers.

Mountain Biking Craigieburn

This site is constantly growing as we document more tracks. We encourage you to bookmark this site for future reference and subscribe to our newsletter to keep up to date with new tracks. We hope it becomes a useful resource to you.

Mountain Biking Godleyhead

Bear Riding a Bike Heavyweight Unisex Crewneck T-shirt

Fox Riding a Bike Premium Unisex Crewneck T-shirt

Heavyweight Unisex Mountain Biker Print Crewneck T-Shirt

Adorable Bear Bicycle - Cute and Comfortable Classic Womens Crewneck T-shirt